Rosbakh S, Carta A, Fernández-Pascual E, Phartyal SS, Dayrell RLC, Mattana E, Saatkamp A, Vandelook F, Baskin JM, Baskin CC (2024) Large dataset analyses advance knowledge of seed ecology and evolutionary biology. New Phytologist.

Cruz‐Tejada DM, Fernández‐Pascual E, Mo A, Mattana E, Carta A (2024) MedGermDB: A seed germination database for characteristic species of Mediterranean habitats. Applied Vegetation Science 27, e12771.

Jiménez‐Alfaro B, Fernández‐Pascual E, Espinosa del Alba C, Marcenò C (2024) Spatiotemporal patterns of microclimatic buffering in relict alpine communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 35, e13242.

Rauschkolb R, Bucher SF, Hensen I, Ahrends A, Fernández-Pascual E, Heubach K, […], Römermann C (2024) Spatial variability in herbaceous plant phenology is mostly explained by variability in temperature but also by photoperiod and functional traits. International Journal of Biometeorology 68, 761–775.

Jiménez-Alfaro B, Aunina L, Carbognani M, Dítě D, Fernández-Pascual E, Garbolino E, Hájek O, Hájková P, Ivchenko TG, Jandt U, Jansen F, Kolari THM, Pawlikowski P, Pérez-Haase A, Peterka T, Petraglia A, Plesková Z, Tahvanainen T, Tomaselli M, Hájek M (2023) Habitat-based biodiversity responses to macroclimate and edaphic factors in European fen ecosystems. Global Change Biology 29, 6756–6771.

Rosbakh S, Carta A, Fernández‐Pascual E, Phartyal SS, Dayrell RLC, Mattana E, Saatkamp A, Vandelook F, Baskin J, Baskin C (2023) Global seed dormancy patterns are driven by macroclimate but not fire regime. New Phytologist, 240 555-564.

Fernández-Pascual E, Carta A, Rosbakh S, Guja L, Phartyal SS, Silveira FAO, Chen SC, Larson JE, Jiménez-Alfaro B (2023) SeedArc, a global archive of primary seed germination data. New Phytologist 240, 466-470.

Dengler J, Jansen F, Chusova O, Hüllbusch E, Nobis MP, Van Meerbeek K, […], Fernández-Pascual E et al. (2023) Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4, 7-29.

Tichý L, Axmanová I, Dengler J, Guarino R, Jansen F, Midolo G, […], Fernández-Pascual E et al. (2023) Ellenberg‐type indicator values for European vascular plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science, e13168.

Gómez-Cabellos S, Toorop PE, Fernández-Pascual E, Iannetta PP, Pritchard HW, Visscher AM (2022) (Epi) genetic control of secondary seed dormancy depth and germination in Capsella bursa-pastoris. Seed Science Research 32, 200-221.

Visscher AM, Vandelook F, Fernández-Pascual E, Pérez-Martínez LV, Ulian T, Diazgranados M, Mattana E (2022) Low availability of functional seed trait data from the tropics could negatively affect global macroecological studies, predictive models and plant conservation. Annals of Botany 130, 773-784.

Rosbakh S, Fernández-Pascual E, Mondoni A, Onipchenko V (2022) Alpine plant communities differ in their seed germination requirements along a snowmelt gradient in the Caucasus. Alpine Botany 132, 223–232.

Mattana E, Carta A, Fernández-Pascual E, Keeley J, Pritchard HW (2022) Climate change and plant regeneration from seeds in Mediterranean regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Chapter 8 in: Baskin C, Baskin J (eds.) Plant Regeneration from Seeds: A Global Warming Perspective. Academic Press, Elsevier. 21 pp.

Carta A, Fernández-Pascual E, Gioria M, Müller JV, Rivière S, Rosbakh S, Saatkamp A, Vandelook F, Mattana E (2022) Climate shapes the seed germination niche of temperate flowering plants: a meta-analysis of European seed conservation data. Annals of Botany 129, 775–786.

Blandino C, Fernández-Pascual E, Newton RJ, Pritchard HW (2022) Regeneration from seed in herbaceous understory of ancient woodlands of temperate Europe. Annals of Botany 129, 761–774.

Lembrechts J, van den Hoogen J, Aalto J, Ashcroft M, De Frenne P, Kemppinen J, Kopecký M, […], Fernández-Pascual E, […], Lenoir J (2022) Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28, 3110-3144.

Fernández-Pascual E, Vaz M, Morais B, Reiné R, Ascaso J, Afif Khouri E, Carta A (2022) Seed ecology of European mesic meadows. Annals of Botany 129, 121–134.

Gómez-Cabellos S, Toorop P, Cañal MJ, Iannetta P, Fernández-Pascual E, Pritchard HW, Visscher AM (2022) Global DNA methylation and cellular 5-methylcytosine and H4 acetylated patterns in primary and secondary dormant seeds of Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. (shepherd’s purse). Protoplasma 259, 595–614.

Jiménez-Alfaro B, Carlón L, Fernández-Pascual E, Acedo C, Alfaro-Saiz E, Alonso Redondo R, Cires E, Del Egido Mazuelas F, Del Río S, Díaz González TE, García González ME, Lence C, Llamas F, Nava HS, Penas Á, Rodríguez Guitián MA, Vázquez VM (2021) Checklist of the vascular plants of the Cantabrian Mountains. Mediterranean Botany 42, e74570.

Loidi J, Chytrý M, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Alessi N, Biurrun I, Campos JA, Čarni A, Fernández-Pascual E, Font Castell X, Gholizadeh H, Indreica A, Kavgacı A, Knollová I, Naqinezhad A, Novák P, Nowak A, Škvorc Ž, Tsiripidis I, Vassilev K, Marcenò C (2021) Life-form diversity across temperate deciduous forests of Western Eurasia: a different story in the understory. Journal of Biogeography 48, 2932-2945.

Blandino C, Fernández-Pascual E, Bueno Á, Pritchard HW (2021) Plant reproductive traits in old and recently-restored temperate forest understories. Forest Ecology and Management 496, 119385.

Fernández-Pascual E, Carta A, Mondoni A, Cavieres L, Rosbakh S, Venn S, Satyanti A, Guja L, Briceño VF, Vandelook F, Mattana E, Saatkamp A, Bu H, Sommerville K, Poschlod P, Liu K, Nicotra A, Jiménez-Alfaro B (2021) The seed germination spectrum of alpine plants: a global meta-analysis. New Phytologist 229, 3573-3586.

Fernández-Pascual E, Correia-Álvarez E (2021) Mire microclimate: groundwater buffers temperature in waterlogged versus dry soils. International Journal of Climatology 41, E2949-E2958.

Fernández-Pascual E (2021) SylvanSeeds, a seed germination database for temperate deciduous forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 32, e12960.

Fernández-Pascual E, Mattana E, Pritchard HW (2019) Seeds of future past: climate change and the thermal memory of plant reproductive traits. Biological Reviews 94, 439-456.

Gedan KB, Fernández-Pascual E (2019) Salt marsh migration into salinized agricultural fields: a novel assembly of plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 30, 1007-1016.

Blandino C, Fernández-Pascual E, Marin M, Vernet A, Pritchard HW (2019) Seed ecology of the geophyte Conopodium majus (Apiaceae), indicator species of ancient woodland understories and oligotrophic meadows. Plant Biology 21, 487-497.

Frischie S, Fernández-Pascual E, Gálvez Ramírez C, Toorop P, Hernández González M, Jiménez-Alfaro B (2019) Hydrothermal thresholds for seed germination in winter annual forbs from old-field Mediterranean landscapes. Plant Biology 21, 449-457.

Jiménez-Alfaro B, Hernández González M, Fernández-Pascual E, Toorop P, Frischie S, Gálvez Ramírez C (2018) Germination ecology of winter annual grasses in Mediterranean climates: applications for soil cover in olive groves. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 262, 29-35.

García-Gutiérrez T, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Fernández-Pascual E, Müller JV (2018) Functional diversity and ecological requirements of alpine vegetation types co-occurring in a biogeographical transition zone. Phytocoenologia 48, 77-89.

Tudela-Isanta M, Fernández-Pascual E, Pritchard HW, Wijayasinghe M, Orsenigo S, Rossi G, Mondoni A (2018) Habitat-related seed germination traits in alpine habitats. Ecology and Evolution 8, 150-161.

Fernández-Pascual E, Pérez-Arcoiza A, Prieto JA, Díaz TE (2017) Environmental filtering drives the shape and breadth of the seed germination niche in coastal plant communities. Annals of Botany 119, 1169-1177.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Bueno A (2017) Comparative seed germination traits in alpine and subalpine grasslands: higher elevations are associated with warmer germination temperatures. Plant Biology 19, 32-40.

Martínez-Baniela M, Carlón L, Díaz TE, Bueno A, Fernández-Pascual E (2016) Plant-derived smoke and temperature effects on seed germination of five Helianthemum (Cistaceae). Flora 223, 56-61.

Fernández-Pascual E (2016) Comparative seed germination traits in bog and fen mire wetlands. Aquatic Botany 130, 21-26.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Hájek M, Díaz TE, Pritchard HW (2015) Soil thermal buffer and regeneration niche may favour calcareous fen resilience to climate change. Folia Geobotanica 50, 293-301.

Fernández-Pascual E, Seal CE, Pritchard HW (2015) Simulating the germination response to diurnally alternating temperatures under climate change scenarios: comparative studies on Carex diandra seeds. Annals of Botany 115, 201-209.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B (2014) Phenotypic plasticity in seed germination correlates differentially with overwintering and flowering temperatures. Seed Science Research 24, 273-280.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Caujapé-Castells J, Jaén-Molina R, Díaz TE (2013) A local dormancy cline is related to the seed maturation environment, population genetic composition and climate. Annals of Botany 112, 937-945.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Díaz TE (2013) The temperature dimension of the seed germination niche in fen wetlands. Plant Ecology 214, 489-499.

Jiménez-Alfaro B, Fernández-Pascual E, Díaz TE, Pérez-Haase A, Ninot JM (2012) Diversity of rich-fen vegetation and related plant specialists in mountain refugia of the Iberian Peninsula. Folia Geobotanica 47, 403-419.

Fernández-Pascual E, Jiménez-Alfaro B, García-Torrico AI, Pérez-García F, Díaz TE (2012) Germination ecology of the perennial Centaurium somedanum, a specialist species of mountain springs. Seed Science Research 22, 199-205.